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Hexagram palace for transformed-hexagram

Writer's picture: A.K GuruA.K Guru

Updated: Jan 19, 2021

Lately, I again received a question regarding the setup of six-kins at transformed-hexagram. This is not the first time that people is asking me, and I believe it will also not be the last time. That's making me wanted to write this article to explain this. In case someone asking me again in the future, anyone can read this article to understand this.

In case you are fresh in WWG and don't understand what am I saying here. Let me make a short intro here.

From the below WWG chart. The green frame is hexagram palace. Hexagram palace is the five-elements of the hexagram. For example, the original hexagram is the qian hexagram that shows metal-element; and the transformed-hexagram is the guai hexagram that shows earth-element. In other words, qian hexagram belongs to metal-element and guai hexagram belongs to earth-element. (if you want to learn more about how 5-elements related to all of the 64 hexagrams, you might not want to miss this video out

Long story short. Hexagram palace in WWG is uses for positioning the six-kins. For example, in this case. Hexagram qian is metal-element. So, when it meets any metal-element (i.e, metal-lines) in a hexagram, all of the metal-lines will be allocated as a sibling-line. (that is why line 5 shen-metal shows sibling-line). And when metal-element meets earth-element in a hexagram, all the earth-lines will be allocated as parent-line (as shown at line 3 and line 6). So, this means that we take the five-elements of a hexagram palace as a reference point (or starting point) (or we call it Taiji point) to allocate the six-kins.

At the above chart, the original hexagram is the qian hexagram that belongs to metal-element. Whereas the transformed-hexagram of the guai hexagram belongs to the earth-element. You should now already got the idea of how we allocated the six-kins in a hexagram.

Now, this is the part that some people are getting confused. For the original hexagram, it is no doubt that we are using the original hexagram palace as taiji-point (or reference point). So, what about the six-kins allocation for the transformed-hexagram? Should we reference the six-kins from the original-hexagram or from the transformed-hexagram?

What happens if we use the hexagram palace from the transformed-hexagram as a reference point? It will be messing up your reading and crashing the whole WWG system. What does it mean by this? It means your hexagram reading will not be maintaining a satisfactory accuracy rate. Let me explain to you why.

Before I make the explanation. I wanted to take this opportunity to share a concept here. This hexagram palace reference point topic had actually in an argument before. You see, something I don't quite agree here is, people always argue without providing facts. They always argue with saying that "I believe it should be work in this way", or they just quote any ancient books to support their viewpoint. I don't understand why people never throw out something practical? Why we have to use the word "I believe" when we practice Chinese metaphysics? Well, if you "believe" what works for you. Then please, keep it to your own self. We don't need a knowledge that is in "believe", because your "believe" is not necessarily bring in any benefits to the learners. I mean we can't control and we don't have the authority to control what people can believe. "believing" in any theory, doesn't mean that it is a fact. "Believe" can only turn into solid facts after going through with hundreds of testing. Therefore, it is not good to involve in an argument with "I believe". Also, why we have to quote from ancient books when we arguing a viewpoint? These are all not solid evidence for any kinds of arguments. Do you really understand a book? Would ancient classical books always equal to accurate concepts? Why not raise up something practical for an argument? Chinese metaphysics is already in a mess. We don't need to have more people making it more mess.

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Right, finished talking non-sense. Let's come back to this topic.

Let's first see what will happen if we use the hexagram palace of transformed-hexagram as the reference point for the transformed-hexagram.

Comparing to the first (upper) chart. Line six transformed-line has become sibling-line. Anyhow, the five-elements and the twelve earthly-branches of a transformed-hexagram are remaining the same (i.e Wei-earth), just the six-kins at transformed-hexagram is now changed (i.e, change from parent-line to sibling-line). The changes are based from a reference point of hexagram palace in transformed-hexagram. See the below chart for a better explanation.

If you have been following my works or learning WWG from any resources. You must understand that every six-kins has it's own implication. Parent-line would not be having anything similar meaning with sibling-line. So, this also means that. Different allocating methods of six-kins will lead to a different reading outcome.

So, which one is the accurate method? As I said earlier. ONLY ONE ANSWER. We have to use hexagram palace from the original-hexagram as taiji point for both original and transformed-hexagrams.

Let me explain this with another hexagram. Remember, I speak no "I believe" nor quote from ancients. If anyone there is standing with "using transformed-hexagram palace for transformed-hexagram". Then I would like to invite them to answer this question. Including those "grandmasters", I am serious. (As I said, Chinese metaphysics no need to be adding another mess anymore)

Above (chart A) is using original-hexagram palace and below (chart B) is using transformed-hexagram palace.

Now, we can see that all the six-kins (from both A & B chart) located at the original hexagram are exactly the same. But, when it comes to transformed-hexagram. Both six-kins from chart A & B become different. Chart A is having sibling-shen-metal as transformed-line, whereas chart B is having offspring-shen-metal as transformed-line.

The first theory, we ignore everything and only observe at the five-elements cycle. Both charts are having exact same five-elements. Line 3 moving-line of mao-wood transformed into shen-metal. In the 5-elements cycle. the Metal-element is restricting to the Wood-element. Therefore, this is returning-restriction. If we ask about "how is my business going". From the perspective of the five-elements, (see right image, the five-elements cycle) it means your income (asset-line) will be getting restricted, it means your income will be getting decreasing (because of restriction from shen-metal), it means I cannot proceed with the business because I will be losing money. So, this is the explanation when we read with the five-elements.

The second theory, we ignore everything and only observe at the six-kins cycle. Chart A is moving-asset-line transformed into sibling-line. Whereas chart B is having a moving-asset-line that transformed into offspring-line. When we look at the left image (six-kins cycle), offspring-line is generating to asset-line and sibling-line is restricting to asset-line. So, when we read a hexagram with six-kins. Chart A is having a returning-restriction, where is means the asset-line is getting weak, it means this business will be losing money. But in chart B, it is a returning-generation. (because moving-line transformed into offspring-line that in return, generating back to asset-moving-line) It means the asset-line is getting stronger, it means the asset line will become powerful, it means I will be able to make money.

Now, can you see the conflict here? Let me summarise these up in a table as below.

When you look at this table and comparing side by side. You will see that if we use transformed-hexagram palace to allocated six-kins. The interpretation will become a conflict. I.e, in the five-elements perspective, we read as weak. Whereas in the six-kins perspective, we read as strong. Now, the system crash!

Apparently, this doesn't work!

The five-elements cycle and the six-kins cycle must be tally. It makes no sense at all that we keep reading on a hexagram when the system is already in the crash. Don't try to argue that a hexagram reading can still proceed under this circumstance.

This has already violated the hexagram principle. That is the reasons why people often say that WWG cannot be extremely accurate. How on earth would a diviner able to maintain high accuracy rate if they never understand well about the hexagram principle? I can tell with responsible that, using this kind of hexagram set-up. All the case studies that posted or use for class teaching, are all hindsight. A teacher that is absolutely doing "tao-gua". If anyone still wanted to argue that they could get the accurate hexagram even they applied with this set-up. What I can say to them are, "the reason you still able to get it right, is because you are reading WWG vaguely."

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Let me show you one more hexagram to explain this again.

Above (chart A) is using original-hexagram palace and below (chart B) is using transformed-hexagram palace.

If we ask about illness, officer-line is the matter-element. Chart A officer-yin-wood is transformed into offspring-you-metal. This is a returning-restriction. It means the illness can be removed. (offspring-line gets return to remove the officer-line). Chart B officer-yin-wood transformed into sibling-you-metal. This is transformed into caging. It also means illness can be removed. Now, you got the reading right coincidentally. Both hexagrams are telling the illness can be removed. So, at this time. If anyone who advocates on the second method (which is transformed-hexagram as six-kins allocation) will also get the right answer. But, if we read it more detail. Hexagram B will be getting the wrong answer. Chart A is actually wanted to tell you that, sickness will be removed, but at the end, will be dying after the illness gets removed. Whereas hexagram B would get healed slowly and will be safe at the end.

One hexagram shows end up as a dead person and another one is ending up getting healed slowly. Both progress is to be explained as can be healed. Now, can you understand why I said when we use the second method for detail reading, it would be getting the wrong answer.

You have to always make this clear. No matter you are using the I Ching Text method or the WWG method. If you read a hexagram vaguely, it will always accurate. But would the accuracy help in life decision?

So, this is very clear now. Using transformed-hexagram palace to allocate six-kins for transformed-hexagram is non-sense.

If you want to learn proper and genuine WWG. You better mastering very well about the hexagram principle. If you don't, then I suggest you go with psychic. WWG is an analytical prophecy system that is not for intuition nor a system that is "I believe".

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