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I Ching Three Combination | EP19 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua

I Ching Three Combination | EP19 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua

Three-combo also means bonding. But it is much stronger than the six-combo. It also has a meaning of much quicker and a lot more. So if a good thing is in three-combo, it means it will be in good luck for a very long time. If the bad thing is in three-combo, then will be bad luck for very long. This is because Three combos also imply not easy to get broken. Three combos is a term derived from the 12 growth phase. It uses the three phases from birth, blossoming, and graveyard. I will show how to memorise them in palm mnemonic method as well. Three-combos is the same terminology used in BaZi system. However, the application in King Wen Oracle has some slight differences. Some people apply half-three-combo and the three-combo of Earth element. But IMO, it wouldn't work as it has against the rules for hexagram indication. I will explain why and how it is violated to the rules in this video. Especially the three-combo into Earth element. Some people say Earth birth with water, and some said Earth birth with Fire. This is all BaZi application, shall we apply this into King Wen Oracle as well? If yes, how shall we do it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 🖥 2:40 DOWNLOAD CHEAT-SHEET ⬇️ → Three combos & Twelve Growth Phase ▸ ▸ Log in with Facebook or Goggle to download it straight away! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A.K Guru | Business Feng Shui Coach ▸ Increase your income at least 20%, No Gain No Pay!! ▸ The truly qualified business coach ▸ Making you from WORST to GOOD, from GOOD to BEST! // FOLLOW Search ▸ or click from here ▸ Facebook: ▸ Instagram: ▸ Website: #WenWangGua #IChingDivination #ThreeCombo
How to read a BONDING in I Ching | Six Combination | EP18 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua

How to read a BONDING in I Ching | Six Combination | EP18 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua

The combination (combo) is having a total of six-group like the six-clash. It has six groups of interaction that is being bonded together. The Yin and Yang characteristic of the six-clash are the same. Is either one Yang branch clash with another Yang branch, or it’s going to be a Yin branch clash with another Yin branch. Combo it is a contrast to the six-clash. The combination is bonding. It is a Yang branch that going to bond with other Yin branch. That is why it creates a much harmony environment. However, many get the wrong idea about the combination when doing the reading. The theory and the application of six-combo are derived from the Sun Moon conjunction The basic concept for six-combo is a connection, a link, it means a partnership or cooperation. But a connection doesn’t really means harmony. It only can be interpreted as a bond that cannot be broken. A combo, which is the bonding. are not necessary to be in the generating interaction. It does have a restriction interaction as well. For the six-combo. It again has an image that you can read from the hexagram as well. line’s six-combo is something similar like Xiao Xiang in the I Ching text. whereas the hexagram six-combo is something like the Da Xiang in I Ching text. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 🖥 9:20 DOWNLOAD CHEAT-SHEET ⬇️ → Six combos and six clashes hexagram ▸ ▸ Log in with Facebook or Goggle to download it straight away! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A.K Guru | Business Feng Shui Coach ▸ Increase your income at least 20%, No Gain No Pay!! ▸ The truly qualified business coach ▸ Making you from WORST to GOOD, from GOOD to BEST! // FOLLOW Search ▸ or click from here ▸ Facebook: ▸ Instagram: ▸ Website: #WenWangGua #IChingDivination #SixCombo
1st line to read in I Ching | Matter Element | EP16 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

1st line to read in I Ching | Matter Element | EP16 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

What is actually six-kins related to? How do you start the line reading? When reading and deciphering the hexagram, where shall you start it first and where shall it be scaled up on your explanation? For instance, When you ask about something for your father, which line is indicating your father? Or when you ask about income, which line tells you about income? And how do you read the interaction of line from there? You need to understand what is focus point when you read the hexagram. That is why you need to understand the matter-element before you go further into reading a line. A miss is as good as a mile, once you employing the wrong matter element. Everything in the prediction will become useless. This video expands a little bit of useful-spirits concept from the previous episode. Watch both episodes to make your own more clear about the application of six-kins and matter-element. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 🖥 7:40 DOWNLOAD CHEAT-SHEET ⬇️ → Six-Kins implication & matter-element ▸ ▸ Log in with Facebook or Goggle to download it straight away! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A.K Guru | Business Feng Shui Coach ▸ Increase your income at least 20%, No Gain No Pay!! ▸ The truly qualified business coach ▸ Making you from WORST to GOOD, from GOOD to BEST! // FOLLOW Search ▸ or click from here ▸ Facebook: ▸ Instagram: ▸ Website: #IChing #KingWenOracle #MatterElement #WenWangGua #IChingDivination #MatterElement
I Ching Useful Spirits 用神 | Matter-Elements | EP15 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

I Ching Useful Spirits 用神 | Matter-Elements | EP15 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

When you cast and you need to read from the hexagram. Which line is revealing your answer? Just like you need to search a document and you not sure where is it, how do you start the searching? If you think that the document is in your house, room 3. Then you start to search from room 3 and scale up from there. So, this room 3 is the place you search from your answer and everything scale up from here. This is the equivalent to the matter-element. The so-called useful element is the answer that you looking for from the hexagram. Majority of the people who learn or apply King Wen Oracle calls this "matter-element" as "useful-spirits". It is an interpretation literary from the mandarin word, 用神. However, the genuine definition for the useful-spirits is not what most of the people are understanding. In this video, I will explain the cycle of the matter-element which is the source element 元神, dreadful element 忌神, revenging element 仇神, and free element 閒神. This is only an initial concept for you to get the entry ticket into the King Wen Oracle. I have to make things clear here, the original framework for the useful-spirits cycle is not the same as I am explaining in this video. In this video, I also explain the theory about weather prediction with the King Wen Oracle. So that you can try on your own now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A.K Guru | Business Feng Shui Coach ▸ Increase your income at least 20%, No Gain No Pay!! ▸ The truly qualified business coach ▸ Making you from WORST to GOOD, from GOOD to BEST! // FOLLOW Search ▸ or click from here ▸ Facebook: ▸ Instagram: ▸ Website: #WenWangGua #IChingDivination #MatterElement
How to Read I Ching Self-Line 2 | EP14 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

How to Read I Ching Self-Line 2 | EP14 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

For the reading, you have to understand that six lines represent the universe. You need to understand how to read the lines that link to the hexagram. I will explain in a more conceptual way for you to learn and absorb this knowledge. So don’t try to memorise all the content I am explaining in this video. I will be explaining what does it means when the 5 six-kins is attaching to the "self-line". This video explains how to read this particular line when the "self-line" is holding particular six-kins. For example, when you ask about wealth, it has at least 5 main directions of reading to predict. Some are good and some are bad. I also explain how to read the "self-line" when asking about career, health, marriage, academic, or pregnancy. How do you read that are you safe from a chaotic situation? I have also explained how to read a death message in this video. This video I am explaining is using the system abstract from the classical King Wen Oracle. I have also pointed out some blurry concept about the classical so that you are able to differentiate them if you have chances to read them. This video is having something very rich content as I am not only explaining the technical part. I have also explained something much more important, which is the CONCEPT OF DIVINATION. We don't make divination for prediction, but we make a prediction to change our life. Watch this now as this part is also worth a lot for you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp: 2:13 Self-holding-Parent 世持父母 5:29 Self-holding-Sibling 世持兄弟 8:02 Self-holding-Offspring 世持子孫 10:26 Self-holding-Wealth 世持妻財 13:42 Self-holding-Officer 世持官鬼 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A.K Guru | Business Feng Shui Coach ▸ Increase your income at least 20%, No Gain No Pay!! ▸ The truly qualified business coach ▸ Making you from WORST to GOOD, from GOOD to BEST! // FOLLOW Search ▸ or click from here ▸ Facebook: ▸ Instagram: ▸ Website: #WenWangGua #IChingDivination #SelfLine
I Ching Line Reading Basic | SELF-LINE | EP13 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

I Ching Line Reading Basic | SELF-LINE | EP13 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

How to read the line in I Ching King Wen Oracle? When you look at the hexagram, there are so many things involved. How do you start the reading? Most of the time, people cast because of the matters related to their own. The own related matter here means we need to observe the self-line from the hexagram. Therefore, we observed and read line start at the self-line. Self-line is representing you yourself. I see many people read the line so inconsistent (I mean in King Wen Oracle). One of the main reason is they mixed up the reading of line function and line prosperity. The prosperity of self-line doesn’t usually indicate a good or bad signal. We need to observe what is the self-line holding. This video will explain about the self-line and the six-kins. This video will not get into deeper useful spirits topic. But will started the topic of the useful spirit from this video. I will take money/wealth as a topic to explain what will it be when self-line is holding any of the 5 six-kins. This will covered all of the elements so that you can have a clear concept before you go into the application. This video will also explain and let you understand why King Wen Oracle is not a prediction with a subjective mind. It can be a very systematic prediction. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A.K Guru | Business Feng Shui Coach ▸ Increase your income at least 20%, No Gain No Pay!! ▸ The truly qualified business coach ▸ Making you from WORST to GOOD, from GOOD to BEST! // FOLLOW Search ▸ or click from here ▸ Facebook: ▸ Instagram: ▸ Website: #WenWangGua #IChingDivination #SelfLine
When I Ching is death and empty - DAY VOID | EP12 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

When I Ching is death and empty - DAY VOID | EP12 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

Void means something is not working or malfunction at the moment. and the void filled means something not working has back to the function. For example, when you ask about investing something. you see void. it means not able to make money. When you see the void is filled, it means you can make the money now. When the I Ching has no power and energy, the prediction won't work as what you wish in some circumstances. You can still make the prediction, but you are putting your own self into a risk for decode the wrong information. This power source that switches on the energy is from the month, and the day during we cast. Inside the day, it had something called "the day void”. You can think like this way. The day is the source to generate power to the hexagram. And day void is a certain period that the hexagram gets power disruption. power disruption means the I Ching is not working. Day void is also known as day emptiness (Death and emptiness in a general term). Is a term derived from the heavenly stems and earthly branches. In King Wen Oracle, there is one special feature where the 5 elements have energy or power. We can measure the energy from the day and the month we make the cast. day void is also known as dekad void. Every dekad started from Jia wood and ended on Gui water. We know there are 10 stems and 12 branches. Every single stem pair up with a single branch. with this kind of pairing. There will be 2 branches that won't be paired up. Those that never able to get paired up is the day void. Voids can be filled. When the void is filled, it is no more in empty status. Both Void and Voids filled are one of the very important concepts that you need to learn in King Wen Oracle. It is especially important when you wanted to know the time of happening. This video will also share how to obtain the voids with your palm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A.K Guru | Business Feng Shui Coach ▸ Increase your income at least 20%, No Gain No Pay!! ▸ The truly qualified business coach ▸ Making you from WORST to GOOD, from GOOD to BEST! // FOLLOW Search ▸ or click from here ▸ Facebook: ▸ Instagram: ▸ Website: #WenWangGua #IChingDivination #DayVoid
Six Celestial Animals in I Ching? Six Guardians | EP11 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

Six Celestial Animals in I Ching? Six Guardians | EP11 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

Six guardians will be only used in King Wen. You will never find anything about the six celestial animals in any resource related to the Original text of Yi. Let’s continue to step 5, the six-guardians. People also called the six-guardians as six-god, six-spirit, six-beast. They are all the same thing. Day stems decided which animals needed to be assigned first. For instance, if the day you cast is Jia Yi wood day. The animal sitting at the first line will be the dragon. If the day you cast is Bing Ding fire, the first line will be the bird. Wu Earth day, the first line with Arranger, and Ji Earth day, first line with the serpent. Gen Xin metal day with the tiger at the first line and Ren Gui water day with the tortoise at the first line. The guardians serve as extra images to the prediction. In this video. You only need to understand how is the six-guardians being install. And have a rough idea of what the six-guardians is. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A.K Guru | Business Feng Shui Coach ▸ Increase your income at least 20%, No Gain No Pay!! ▸ The truly qualified business coach ▸ Making you from WORST to GOOD, from GOOD to BEST! // FOLLOW Search ▸ or click from here ▸ Facebook: ▸ Instagram: ▸ Website: #WenWangGua #IChingDivination #SixAnimal












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如何DIY調整風水來提升事業運 | 穿心煞 | by↬ AK老師

A.K - I Ching WWG divination & Business Feng Shui
如何DIY調整風水來提升事業運 | 穿心煞 | by↬ AK老師
如何DIY調整風水來提升事業運 | 穿心煞 | by↬ AK老師

如何DIY調整風水來提升事業運 | 穿心煞 | by↬ AK老師

如何DIY調整風水來提升事業運 | 內明堂 | by↬AK老師

如何DIY調整風水來提升事業運 | 內明堂 | by↬AK老師

如何DIY調整風水來提升事業運 | 穿堂煞 | by↬AK老師

如何DIY調整風水來提升事業運 | 穿堂煞 | by↬AK老師











命運改變の秘訣 | 占卜案例系列

命運改變の秘訣 | 占卜案例系列
如何改變命運 | 如何決策合夥 | 預測案例 | 占卜系列#1 |▸ A.K老師
如何改變命運 | 如何辨識真假 | 預測案例 | 占卜系列#2 |▸ A.K老師
如何改變命運 | 如何預測病況 | 預測案例 | 占卜系列#3 |▸ A.K老師









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