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Can the Elements help strengthen or weaken Qi?

So, I've had a fellow enthusiast send me a screenshot from who-knows-where, asking if the Five Elements object can be used for feng shui adjustments. Well, it's quite evident that the person who posted this comment has an extremely narrow view of feng shui. In other words, they have a one-sided understanding of what feng shui is all about. Funny enough, I get asked this kind of question quite often. So, let me take this opportunity to share what I have verified and summarized.

First and foremost, the author insists that Five Elements objects cannot strengthen or weaken the qi. They firmly believe that only energetic objects can alter the q, which is a terribly mistaken notion. But before I explain why this idea is wrong, let me give you an example using one of the hexagrams from the WWG to illustrate the concept of feng shui adjustments.

So, this divination was done last year when I was making adjustments for a client. My usual practice is, why not use the ancient wisdom of WWG to give it a final confirmation? You see, after the fundamental Feng Shui layout, it's quite difficult to determine the effectiveness because, let's be honest, Feng Shui is like a mystical force that can't be verified by any fancy gadgets. Not many people can tell whether the arrangement will turn out good or bad before or after it's done. But hey, our clients trust us with their hard-earned money, so as responsible Feng Shui practitioners, it's our duty to validate the methods before the client's arrangement is complete. Unfortunately, only a handful of Feng Shui masters actually bother with this step. One of the biggest reasons is that they have no clue how to go about it. Even if they do, when the validation shows that the layout won't work, these poor Feng Shui masters are left scratching their heads, wondering what to do next. So, to avoid all that trouble, they quickly charge their clients and move on. Sadly, that is what happening in every industry, not just feng shui. Therefore, even those who understand the importance of validation rarely bother to take that extra step. Now, enough of the rambling, of course, I've validated it myself. So, let's take a look at this divination.

Q: How is the effectiveness of the plan C?

S: Self-Owner, M.E - Asset, Moving line as effectiveness and any addition or subtraction.

According to my adjustment and divination, the hexagram indicates that the client needs to place a yellow doormat in front of the door. And voila! Just by adding that yellow doormat, the client's customer base will increase by a whopping 90%. This particular client runs a restaurant, and before the adjustment, they claimed to have approximately 20~30 (table) walk-in customers per day. But after placing the yellow doormat for a week, they suddenly had almost 56 customers each day. Isn't that magical? Hell yeah, magic like Dr Strange. Even the client was amazed by this miraculous transformation. Who would've thought that a simple piece of yellow cloth could change the whole atmosphere? So, tell me, who says objects can't help the flow of the Qi in Feng Shui? Believe it or not, even if you buy a couple of scallions or invite a friend over, the energy of your home will already be transformed. I've tested and verified this principle to the point of exhaustion using WWG. But despite all that, there are still so many people who remain oblivious to these facts.

Now, let's address why I claim that placing a yellow mat changes the qi. Perhaps many learned Feng Shui enthusiasts will argue that it doesn't exactly qualify as changing the qi. If someone insists on such an argument, I genuinely feel compelled to ask, if you can't even grasp the concept of "qi", how can you discuss the notion of a qi field? Every place has inflowing and outflowing qi, and these qi can interact with anything inside the space. Once these qi interact, secondary qi are produced, and these secondary qi can have auspicious or inauspicious effects when they encounter the individuals within that space. These are fundamental principles of feng shui. It seems like this author has missed these fundamentals. What kind of feng shui have they studied if they don't even understand what "qi" is, how it can be changed, and how it can create auspicious or inauspicious effects? Let's not dwell on that too much. In the text, the author claims that elemental objects cannot alter the flow of qi. Now, I'm sure many seasoned Feng Shui enthusiasts would scoff at this idea. But hey, who needs logic and reasoning, right?

Let's clarify something: the placement of objects absolutely influences the qi flow. It's like saying, "Does placing a cup on the table affect the table's surface?" Of course it does! Similarly, when you strategically position objects or colours in a space, it can alter the qi. Well, isn't my approach of placing a "cloth" at the entrance changing the flow of qi? I've personally tested and implemented countless adjustments that change the flow of qi and transform the overall qi field. It's no wonder that some people fail to comprehend this concept. They're probably too busy advocating for moving homes as the only solution to all Feng Shui problems. But let me ask you, is moving really solving the customer's issues? I dare say it often adds more problems and burdens.

And here comes another astonishing statement from the author: "How can water weaken metal?" They even give an example saying that plants (wood) need sunlight (fire) to grow, but according to the Five Elements theory, wood generates fire. Doesn't that contradict each other? I'm sure this question has puzzled many, and they fail to grasp the concept. That's why I often say that if people are studying metaphysics without an ounce of logical thinking, they won't excel in it. It's one thing to not come out preaching, but if they're at this level of understanding, it's just laughable to try and teach others.

First of all, we must understand that "relationship" and "interaction" are two different things. Saying that plants need sunlight and therefore fire generates wood is mixing these two concepts up. Let me emphasize once again, they should not be confused! What does "relationship" mean? It means the relationship between wood and fire is one where wood generates fire. However, a relationship does not necessarily mean that the effect must be generative!

It's important to understand the difference between what I need and what I can do. It's similar to how husbands and wives interact. Both spouses can contribute to the relationship by being good to each other, but it's crucial to remember that they also need each other to exist. This concept is similar to wood generating fire while also needing fire to thrive. This idea is discussed in classical bazi books like Qiongtong Baojian and Wuxing Jingji, which focus on the five elements. These books explain why wood requires fire, despite fire being excluded from a generative perspective. Furthermore, wood also needs metal to grow. How do you explain this?So, it's important to remember that roles determine relationships, but they don't necessarily have fixed functionalities.

If you haven't grasped this point, then forget about Feng Shui; or even being able to read a person's Bazi chart. Let me extend the explanation with a simple example: our mothers are roles that protect and love us, this is the "relationship." But in real life, does every mother play the role of protecting and loving us? Applying this principle to Bazi charts, the mother's palace is represented by the month branch, and the Ten Deity is the Resources Star. Does it mean that the relationship between the month branch and the day master must always be a giver? Not necessarily! The relationship between the month branch and the day master can be represented by any of the ten deities. So, can you now conclude that a mother is not a person (object) because, from the perspective of the Five Elements, a mother does not influence you? Absolutely not! Regardless of what Ten Deity represents your mother, as long as she is your mother, she will undoubtedly have an influence on you. Therefore, as long as "qi" enters a "field" with objects, any object can influence that "qi" because objects themselves are a form of "qi."

If after all this explanation, there are still people who don't understand what I'm saying, then I can only say that the doorstep of Feng Shui studies is still very far away from you.

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