Case Study 034: I Ching to evaluate for sole distributorship.

Con't from case #33.
After a month time, Mr A found a business person (Mr B) who shows interested in the tea seed oil. Mr B looking to sign a sole distributorship with Mr A once the tea seed is ready to go. If Mr A is good to go, Mr B wants everything to get sign first.
Question: Would it profitable if granting sole distributorship to Mr B?
Setting: self-Mr A; Object-Mr B; ME-Wealth (revenue) & offspring (customers base)

1. Lower trigram three-combo into Offspring-Zi formation, Self-line sandwich and get restricted by three-combo.
➡️ It will cause extreme pressure to Mr A.
2. Self-line officer appear on line four and transformed into parent-line. Parent-line generates to object-line. Object-sibling-void holding nobleman.
➡️ Mr A likes to close this deal as he thinks that Mr B will be helpful. Well, if we see things from the surface, Mr B is in fact very helpful (holding nobleman). But in actual operating, Mr B unable to provide any help (Object-void)
3. self-line and object-line are restricting with each other. Object-line holding sibling clash to self-hidden-spirit of asset-line. Hidden-spirit asset unable to fly out.
➡️ Mr A is holding a good product that is definitely profitable. But due to his own business ideas, he is making this deal unprofitable (hidden-asset unable to fly out). Moreover, Mr B will ruin this business deal. (object clash hidden-spirit asset)
4. Asset-line hide under self-line and gets generated by three-combo formation. Three-combo appear on self-trigram
➡️ Mr A himself already having a natural advantage. All the resources he currently has is able to generate a fortune.
Feedback and suggestion:
Apparently, from what the hexagram indicating. Mr B is just an ordinary business person that will not contribute anything to Mr A. Which means, this is not a win-win business deal. All the advantage Mr A currently having will end up benefits only to Mr B. Suggest not to grant sole distributorship to Mr B. Leave some room for self business development.
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