Case Study 041: I Ching to evaluate career and business venture

Question: What if I work in company G?
Setting: self-Mr A; Object-Company G; ME-Asset (income) & Officer (career)

1.Self-holding officer-Mao very weak (-4°)
➡️ Unable to perform well. Job scoop not as expected
2. Self-Officer transformed into Sibling-Chen-Void, Sibling-Chen clash with object-line
➡️ Due to the different handling method, Mr A unable to cope with the culture and will not stay in this company for long.
3. Self-transformed-line clash with object, line five holding tiger-asset transformed into extinct
➡️ The company itself is already will be in a bottleneck situation, and this bottleneck unable to get solved.
4. Asset-line is very weak
➡️ The income is totally not as expected.
5. Self-line entering day-grave, self-line transformed into void-condition.
➡️ Mr A himself don't feel like going with this company.
Feedback and suggestion:
Nothing good is available. Have to plan for another job. If must select from three of this, #40 is the better one to go. But the thing here is, Mr A has to choose a suitable job, not choosing a job for the sake of getting a job. If Mr A is not facing any jobless problem, don't take any of these three.
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